Breaking boundaries in water research
Research showcase offers a glimpse into the work of early career faculty
The Water Institute is excited to host its inaugural event showcasing the research of early career faculty. Covering topics such as climate smart agriculture, remote sensing of freshwater lakes, GHG dynamics in waterbodies and interconnections in water-energy-food systems, eight faculty members from across four faculties and six departments/schools will share a glimpse into their research on October 31st.
Cleaner wastewater makes for healthier rivers
Water Institute member Helen Jarvie, a professor of water and global environmental change in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management, recently shared research demonstrating how local investments in wastewater treatment are improving water quality, in an article published in the Journal of Environmental Quality.
Water Institute member Larry Swatuk’s latest book offers best practices for avoiding Day Zero
Water Institute member Larry Swatuk, professor, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, School of Planning and Department of Geography and Environmental Management, and School of Planning alumna Corrine Cash, assistant professor, Department of Geography and Environment, Mount Allison University, have a new book out offering best practices for avoiding Day Zero.